On dromomania

I think most everybody thinks their travels are more interesting than they really are and that they are more well-traveled than they really are. I am most definitely not well-traveled, and here are some musings on why.


In reflection, I always tell people that I no longer travel, but simply do not know what it means to stay still and so default to moving. Traveling for the sake of travel to me means relishing in hotels in soft opening, middle seats on planes, cultural newness, and not destination-driven travel. There is a clear progression of my behaviour over the years: I think that 2021 is pretty normal in terms of flying once every 9.4 days for an average person. I spent the first few months staying put, more in the digital nomad style, in Peru and Mexico for a couple months each, doing classes remotely because of Covid. May 2021 was when I became homeless and hard launched into perma-travel. Since then, I have averaged 2.7 nights per place since then. In 2022, I spent 44% of the year in the UK. In 2023, I started to fly a lot more but spent 54% of the year in the US. In 2024, I have probably reached an all time low of nights per place so far of 1.6, and forecast that this will go up by EOY.

The Case Against Travel

Note: some of this is about the case for not loafing, which to me is core to travel.

Developing Thoughts

Great quotes on travel: